
Starts With You

First Responders Wellness is a North Dallas based non profit that promotes education and implementation of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and financial wellness within the first responder community.

It is no secret that members of the first responder community are repeatedly exposed to physically and emotionally overwhelming situations. Unaddressed this can cause long term negative effects to a first responder and their family.

Who are we?

First Responder Wellness was created in 2023 following the personal journey to complete wellness for one of our founders, Aaron Steensma. Aaron is a Police Officer in the North Dallas area who has experienced the overwhelming stress of being a first responder in every area of wellness. The mission of First Responder Wellness is to help educate and connect first responders with trusted professionals who can assist with restoration and help maintain complete wellness.

Your support makes a difference

First Responder Wellness supports first responders in their journey to complete wellness. This support is through connecting people to resources, but also to pay for those resources when the first responder is unable to. If you would like to support the cause of First Responder Wellness please see our donate page for further information. All donations are tax deductible for the donor.